
welcome the following To www.sense-nature.com ( hereafter : " the website " " Management the website " or " the company ").
the site Used as a website Trade electronic which offers For Sale products various ( hereinafter : " the products ").
  • general
    1. all the said in the regulations It Refer in a way Equal to my son Crimson The species , and the use in the tongue male he for my sake comfort only
    2. Instructions Terms It and condition the use appearing on the site defining You editorial board the relationship the legal between the orderer and between The site , the terms of the use on the site and / or
      You You ordered the products from the site and testify On you agreed The orderer , to the conditions goddess and to the conditions more appearing on the site .
    3. the company may in all At , on times consideration her opinion The exclusive , to update  Terms It .
    4. Conditions goddess apply On the use on the site and in the bathroom included at him Through all computer or Player communication Other ( eg phone Cell phone , tablets of sorts etc. ) as Yes
      they apply On the use On the site , between Through Network the Internet and between Through all Network or a means communication Other .
    5. nothing said in the regulations It In order to derogate from instructions Law protection The Consumer , 1981 ( hereinafter : " Law protection the consumer ") and the regulations which were installed By his power , as much as possible which they are apply On the site
      (hereinafter : " the instructions "), except in cases in them You can condition On Instructions as mentioned and conditioning as mentioned Done within the site If explicitly and if Implicitly .
    6. the company and the management the site do as best as possible your ability display You the information complete and the comprehensive most regarding the product including Pictures , though the said in the section It It will be clarified that might
      Appear on the site at the end heart and without intention malice and / or of desire to mislead , i accuracies and / or errors and / or omissions And the company , the management the site and the site No will carry under responsibility any arising
      May the accuracies and / or or the errors .
    7. titles the episodes are brought opal comfort and orientation the orderer and no will be used in interpretation the regulations .
    8. Mistake author in the description product / s No oblige You the company
    9. Photos the products on the site are presented for my needs illustration only In addition , there may be differences in appearance , shade , size , etc. b between The product , as that he is presented On the site , and the product in real .
    10. nothing copy and use , or enable to others to use , at all way Other in the contents of The site , incl on my website Internet others , in publications electronic ,
      in my advertisement printing press And so on , for all Purpose Other .
    11. the deadline registered , for all interest And interest , on my computer the company he the deadline the determiner to all Nothing .
  • purchase products on the site
      1. purchase the products will be done Through added products to the basket The shopping , after added products to the basket the shopping will feed the orderer in the form online the designated for that in process
        the invitation You Private the orderer The following : there Private , there Family , phone number , address mail electronic , in addition there is Give You Private getting The invitation , there Private ,
        Name Family , phone number , town , street  House number , floor , apartment , entrance and all individual ID Other That in his hands to assist for the operation the shipment locate Easily You the property to his is underway
        Delivery the invitation including Remarks and information regarding for action shipping and / or to an extent and receives the invitation is not at home the fields the marked ones in an asterisk exists Required to fill and without them No will be possible
        completed the invitation
      2. On portion Prevent all possibility of fault on delivery On the orderer Give only Details accurate and correct .
      3. phobia action completed the invitation will confirm the orderer You Private the invitation and you willingness the details which delivered
      4. filling all the details constitutes terms of early to perform the invitation And this opal Execution of the invitation effectively and without faults and on Yes there is to be careful On Delivery all the details precisely .
      5. Private the orderer will be updated in accordance to say in the form the invitation online on the site .
      6. filling all the details required for purchase the product On my hand the orderer will count to perform An order ( hereafter : " the order ") with receiving The order , the site will perform examination of Private card the credit
        and only after the Approval company the credit and / or after the receiving Approval from Fay Pal as to be clarified Below , the action be approved and left Approval final of The order , billing the customer for the product will be done
        way card the credit and / or way invoice the fay Pal as to be explained below And everything subject to to be found the products In stock the company and the site .
      7. the details as that have been entered in the form the invitation On my hand The person ordering will be evidence Haluta for willingness the actions .
    • Manner Execution of the payment for the invitation
        1. the payment for the products Will Through card credit or Through invoice in the " Wallet" service electronic " for example  Faye Pal - ( WWW.PAYPAL.COM ) and all Service Similar
          , as so be it readily available Use On the site , from for the time as per consideration her opinion of management the site .
        2. If will choose the orderer to use on the card credit opal Execution of The payment will be requested the orderer Give You Private card The credit , certificate Identity , type the card and its validity . If decided the orderer pay Through Faye Pal , the company will be able to Collect You the payment for the products only after the receiving Approval from Fay Pal the use and you received the confirmation From Faye - Pal subordinates to the condition the use of site Faye Pal
        3. management the site keeper to herself You the right stop You the use in the middle the payment any On the site , allow use in the middle payment more and apply Arrangements payment Different On types tickets credit Different or a means payment that you managed the site respect
        4. after the that have been entered Private the payment in the form the invitation Online , will send to the orderer Approval Through the mail the electronic On reception Private the invitation will be clarified Because Approval It is not binding You management the site to provide You the products that were invited and he only testifying private the invitation were absorbed in management the site .
        5. immediately after the Execution of The order will be made management the site examination of a means the payment at him use The orderer will be given message suitable to the inviter Because the invitation was confirmed and his account will be charged ownership the service .
        6. by any chance at him No was confirmed  employment On my hand company the credit or On my hand invoice the fay Pal or all a means payment R so be it in the same When , he will receive the orderer message suitable On so and the management the site create link With the orderer opal completed employment or its cancellation .
        7. Approval action the purchase stipulated in the presence the product the acquired In stock on time the supply the requested and / on time the invitation If No It was noted that the product is not Exists In stock and the product No taken down from the site Until on time Execution of The order , no be management the site committed subject to for that that you managed the site answer to the inviter all sum paid If paid up to the management the site and / or cancel You the charge If Done for action the purchase .
        8. will be clarified Because may be situations in them On Nose that the item is presented on the site as existing In stock , actually he short and no You can to provide same , in cases these will be cancelled employment and to the orderer No wondered all claim in connection for that subject to to restore the sum paid On my hand the customer .
        9. due in the shipment will determine applied from day Approval employment On my hand company the credit or Approval calculator the fay Pal  or Service Purse electronic readily available Other approved
        10. to an extent and the orderer charged Accidentally On my hand company The credit , on the orderer inform to the management the site On portion perform Promotional in accordance .
      • supply and transport the products
          1. supply the product by Y the site Will only after the receiving Approval payment By company the credit and / or By invoice the fay Pal , that is the product Paid , as specified Above , the product will be provided to the address that the orderer typed and / or A message phobia Execution of the invitation in the form online .
          2. the site undertakes to do as best as possible his ability to provide You the product to the destination the requested quickly the maximum .
          3. management the site act as best as possible her ability to provide You the products quickly and the products And within 14 days business from day reception the invitation and approval If sent Through mail registered and within 5 days business If sent Through delivery person .
            Temporary supply the products include only You their calculation of maritime business ( maritime A until God , no including maritime Friday , Saturday , Arabic Holiday and my Holiday ).
          4. the shipments to be provided Through company the shipments on behalf of management the site are in accordance to the condition company The deliveries , regional the division of company the shipments and in conjunction In advance With getting the invitation
          5. to an extent and there is no in her capacity of company the shipments perform You the shipment Until to the address the shipment tank Cause she is management the site let me know to the inviter and act for finding solution alternative which will answer to desire Crimson the parties .
          6. in cases in them are provided the products Through mail Israel , to the address the shipment which delivered the orderer phobia Execution of the invitation the products will be sent subject to to time the supply of mail Israel and are not are given for control and to control On my hand management the site and / or the providers .
          7. my deadlines the supply the excellent ones on the site and above gone apply On products sold out from the inventory of the site and / or from the inventory of power the relevant
          8. the shipments are carried out On my hand company errands , through it will be done the lead of the products terms of company the missions  will charge You the customer .
          9. bloody Shipping - in addition for the price the products We were invited , Yosht On the orderer payment of bloody Delivery , amount bloody the shipment will appear at the end process the invitation in accordance to go shipping her choose The orderer , rather If Yes noted Other .
          10. bloody the shipment will be paid With the payment for the product . on sale in installments Through on the card credit and / or Through invoice the fay Pal the site entitled Collect You bloody the shipment With obligation the payment the first one .
          11. the site No will be in charge of to all late and / or Delay in supply and / or to the island supply of the products which caused as a result from one the reasons Below :
            1. power upper and without Harm in general the said War , operation Military , operation emergency and / or harmful nature and / or from events which are not in control the site such as strikes and the sabbaticals rule bags and / or at providers of Services or goods the necessary for production supply or Transport product .
            2. all Cause which is not in control the site and / or the company
            3. party related With s a l e The mission .
          12. Temporary supply the products the excellent ones include only You their calculation of maritime business ( maritime A until God no including maritime sixth and Saturday , Arab Holiday and my Holiday ).
          13. On the customer inform immediately locate If the product No provided during the period the supply detailed On the site , by the way such a time the supply the new will be considered from day coordination due in New .
          14. there is to be careful Play Details accurate and up-to-date , by the way that the products will return to the company Because Details Misguided , the inviter will carry Payment for bloody Shipping and treatment .

        • cancelation purchase pillbox the orderer
            1. the orderer entitled cancel You employment in accordance for instructions Law protection the consumer and the regulations installed On his mouth without derogate From the above :
              1. cancelation will be done but and only in a message in writing to the address Email to: shop@sense-nature.com cancelation transaction by Y the orderer No will be possible in purchase items certain as specified in the section Subsection 14 c ( d ) of the law protection the consumer .
              2. cancelation employment by Y the customer subject for that that the product will be returned As much as that the thing Likely or possible in its packaging the original .
              3. after the receiving message the cancellation Sitting to the inviter the sum paid On his hand for the product minus bloody Cancellation ( fee the shipment gone Part from a price the product and hence will be deducted separately from the return ) in the lesson of 5% of the amount employment or 100 NIS , according to the low . by any chance of cancelation transaction Due defect or an island Matching , no will be charged the orderer in my blood cancelation any . Instructions Law protection the consumer more regarding to cancel the purchase pillbox The orderer , including regarding mandatory to return the product , will apply As well .
          • cancelation purchase pillbox the company
              1. the company be may , on times consideration her opinion The exclusive , due all reason , and whatever Time , cancel or stop transaction and / or sale and / or cancel An invitation , all of it or Smooth , and / or You activity The entire site or part of it .
              2. message On cancelation or Pause kind of It be delivered to the user or To the customer , and the company avoid positive card the credit of the orderer or answer to him all sum paid for the products , as much as paid
              3. excluding for the Sabbath sum employment As mentioned , no be to the user or to the inviter all Claim , claim and / or demand towards the company and / or power for cancelation employment as mentioned in the section It .
              4. to an extent and discovered Because product out of from the stock , may the site cancel You the invitation or offer item alternative Equal value . canceled Invitation as mentioned the site No will be in charge of and no will carry in all damage Direct , indirect , consequential or Special caused to the customer or to the side Third including but No only damage for purchase the item at trapping Third at the price High More .
            •  rights create
                1. all rights the property the spiritual , including Patents , rights The creators , the models , the models and the secrets The commercial ones are their property of the company only or of sides thirds others who allowed to the management the site to use in them .
                2. rights goddess apply between the rest On the data on the site , including list The products , description and design the products and all individual Other related to activate it .
                3. rights goddess apply also On Name the site And there The complex (www.sense-nature.com) of The site , signs Trade ( between If were registered and between If No ) they are Everyone her property of the company nothing to do in them use without receiving her consent in writing and in advance
                4. nothing Copy , reproduce , distribute , sell , market , rent and translate information any from the site , incl signs Commerce , photos and texts , design the products Photos the products and so on " b without receiving Approval In advance and in writing of the company
                5. nothing to link to the contents from the site , which are not page the house of The site ( link deep ) and there is none display or to advertise contents as mentioned in all way she is , but If the link Deep will be per page the Internet on the site in full and as that he is , so given will be Watch and use at him in a way the identity completely Use and to watch at him on the site  And this within receiving the consent from the management the site .
                6. management the site may instruct On cancelation of link deep also after the giving her consent And this as per consideration her opinion the exclusive And soon It No be to you all claim and / or demand and / or Claim towards management the site .
              • responsibility
                  1. Company ( and / or who will on her behalf ) is not bearing directly and / or indirectly under responsibility any for damages arising and / or related in all way She is , on Repairing them , assembling them and / or replaced them of the products .
                  2. Company ( and / or who will on her behalf ) is not bearing directly or indirectly under responsibility any for damages arising as a result from use and / or reliance On information the published on websites external , to which You can to arrive Through Which from the bathroom on the site . will be clarified Because the company Doing And you will as best as possible her ability to share action With providers reliable and my husband reputation only
                  3. Company ( and / or who will on her behalf ) is not bearing directly and / or indirectly under responsibility any for damages arising and / or related in all way she is Used and / or in my performance the site .
                  4. in all case the company No carry under responsibility for activity any of all Factor Other which is not under her control the full
                • Confidentiality and privacy
                    1. all his details the personalities of The orderer ( name , mail electronic etc. ), will be saved in my database the information of the company
                    2. the company No transfer his details the personal of the orderer to the nose Factor Other except to suppliers , to the extent the need And this only opal completed deal .
                    3. the company No do all use in details of a means the payment of the orderer But rather to perform payment for transaction her asked for the orderer Edit , and details these No will be transferred to the nose Factor Other except for the purpose It . address Remove Doubt , private a means the payment gone are kept in my database the information of the company
                    4. Although the said Above , the company be may to convey his details the personal of user to the side Third in cases in them the orderer performed act or neglect the offending and / or the possibilities Harm in the company and / or on the sides thirds Any , the orderer Made use in my bathroom the company to perform act non Legal , if Accepted in my hand the company order judgmental the teacher her Give You Private the orderer to the side Third also in all division or procedures Legal .
                    5. the company will be able to to use in his details the personal of The orderer , no identification the orderer The specific one , for the purpose Analysis information statistical and its presentation and / or its delivery to the factors others .
                    6. late that it is in execution operations around online nothing she can of the company Ensure immunity absolute because permeability for her computer or exposure the information the hoard in my hand operational operations non legality . If will rise in my hand trapping Third penetrate for information which Save in my hand the company and / or to use at him For the worse , no be to the user all Claim , claim or demand towards the company
                    7. the company be may to do use B - "Cookies" on portion to provide to the user Service fast and efficient and save from the orderer the need feed You his details the personal in all Entrance to the site .
                    8. in existence Cases which are not under her control of the company and / or arising attest Upper , the company No be responsible to all damage tank Type which is indirect or Direct , which will be caused to the inviter and / or whom on behalf of the orderer With information It will lose or If Will at him use No allowed .
                  • law and judgment
                      1. the law applied On Terms It and / or On all action and / or On conflict arising from him , he the law the Israeli only
                      2. in all case of Dispute , be it to my daughter The trial ( peace or District ) Tel Spring - Jaffa the authority the exclusive discuss in her .
                      3. the law applied On the use On the website , on the invitation and on Terms This , including his interpretation and its enforcement of the regulations he the law the Israeli only